then the roof trusses were craned up to the top (unbudgetted expense of $150 :-( ), in this picture you can see the trusses lying on top waiting to be erected -
The roof trusses went up in less than a day and the frame was pretty much finished -
Meanwhile the brickie had started the retaining walls that are going to prevent the yard falling under the house -
and I spent a happy day in the rain yesterday core filling all the blocks

Here are the finished core-filled retaining walls -
Today Miss Moneypenny and the Bond Girls came to the block and tested out some colours for the exterior rendering -
We also carefully took the Bond Girls up the ladder to the top floor to have a look round -
The Rumpus Room

The void protection for the entrance hall void -

The master bedroom suite -

I am really hoping the rain holds off this week and we can get the final twiddly bits of the frame finished and get the roof on!!!
Hi there, just stumbled on to your site. Looks like you've got your work cut out for you. Have a look at our tiny little building project if you get a chance.