Sunday, May 24, 2009

Digging Holes (2) and concrete

We've had a week of excavation and concrete. The order of events ran like this -

Monday - excavate strip footings. There were several of these to excavate and the process wasn't helped by the discovery of the water table between the natural ground level and the top of the footings! At least we, unlike much of Melbourne, should not have to worry about running out of water for the garden.

Tuesday - pour concrete in the strip footings. This was done with a concrete pump and about 7 concrete trucks, totalling 40.4m3 of concrete. The neighbours remarked they had never seen so many concrete trucks!

Wednesday - form up the garage slab.

Thursday - pour the garage slab.

Friday - remove the formwork.

So we're off to a great start although this will be immediately followed by a rather quiet period due to me not ordering the structural steel in time.....


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Set out

We were set out on Friday. The surveyors spent several hours hopefully getting everything right -

and by mid afternoon there were hurdles all round the block -

Also the rebar was delivered by crane truck -

Later in the afternoon there was a surprise visit from the excavator / concreter who dropped in to begin running string lines and marking out the excavation so his digger operator can begin immediately on Monday morning. If all the tradies are as
proactive as him we'll be finished in no time!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Digging holes (1)

The plumber started on site today. The borers did the most amazing piece of engineering and bored right under the road.

In this picture, the two guys holding the borer are physically pushing the drill bit right under the road to where the water main is on the other side. Incredible!

The plumbers then connected the storm water outlet, mains water in, tapped off the mains. Then they started to excavate for the sewer. We found it eventually, some distance away from where it was supposed to be.

They then dug the trench for the sewer and left it open ready for the sewer line inspection tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I ordered the steel frame today, there were some last minute changes including one to drop the floors in the walk in showers. The first part can be delivered in just 3 weeks. The plumber has confirmed he will be on site the 11th May to connect the sewer, mains and plumb in the site toilet, so I finished putting the cistern on it and it now looks rather odd standing there by itself.

Have to organise structural steel rather urgently now, and some roofers.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Building Permit approved!

We have got our building permit today!

Next week I'm doing some site prep, constructing a rubbish area, sides for a site toilet, sides on my trailer so I can cart stuff around, roadbase for the entrance way for hard standing for crane trucks etc.

The week after the plumber is putting in the sewer line, mains water including a bore under the road and fitting the site toilet to the sewer. Also getting the set out done.

The week after the excavators and concreters move in.

Excited and apprehensive all at once!